You need a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to use JagoClient. Furthermore, you need the JagoClient program itself.
JagoClient can be used without restrictions. The program can be distributed on other web sites or software collections as long as there is a clear link to the home page of JagoClient at Sourceforge. To prevent the download of old versions, links to the Sourceforge pages should be preferred. The most recent version of JagoClient can be included in distributions of Linux or other systems.
JagoClient is open source, but taking parts of the source code in other projects requires a permission of the author. The source can be extended or modified for public projects only with the permission of the author, which will usually be granted. A modified version can only be distributed with the consent of the author. In any case, a link to the original source must be provided.
This version contains all available languages and a GnuGo compilation for Windows. So you can start playing Go immediately. GnuGo is a an open software under GPL.
This is the Installation for Linux and other Unix systems. It also the way to go for Apple computers. HTML-Documentation is not contained here. You need a working version of Java on your computer.
Download the
Jago archive (less than 2 MB)
Do not unpack this file. On Windows and on other systems, like Apple computers, you can then start Jago by double clicking jago.jar. If this does not work, you can try one of the following command lines
java -jar jago.jar
java -cp jago.jar Go
If you want to use a local viewer only, you can replace "Go" by "LocalGo".
You can use some command line arguments.
The Sources are available under the above license. You will find a rough documentation for the source here.
First of all, you can send local characters to the server. Java keeps the characters internally as UNICODE, and will send them using your local encoding. To view these characters properly, you will have to enter your local encoding in the server edit dialog. By default, your local encoding is used here. However, you can change this to 8859_1, which is a good default.
Masamitsu Junji took the effort to rewrite JagoClient to support international menus and dialogs. He also prepared a Japanese version.
All versions appear in the local language, if that language is available. The default language will be English. I maintain the German translation. Other translations are Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, and Italian. However, some enhancements may not be translated yet, and will appear in English.
If the automatic display does not work, you will see only squares instead of letters. In this case, open the first menu in the first window of JagoClient, and select the last entry. You may have to do this without being able to read the menu entries. In the dialog box, enter "en". Close JagoClient and restart. You will then get an English JagoClient, which should work on all computers. In case you want to try to fix your font problem, search for the file "" in the Java directory. You may try to copy any other file "font*.properties" in this directory and overwrite "". For Windows 2000 and XP on Chinese systems, you may have to go through this procedure. It is easy to determine the right properties file by the file name.
To prepare your own local version, you need to do the following